Dark Horse

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Influenced by his Japanese culture and upbringing, Chef Greg Anderson started Dark Horse a few years ago bringing the flavors we love into our homes in a sustainable and healthy way. He’s used his expertise as a chef, love for our planet, knowledge about the harms regular GMO and processed foods bring to our bodies and the land, and created staples we keep in our home like ketchup and mustard that are organic, healthy, and full of flavor. As a world-renowned chef, his approach brings delightful tastes into the dishes we make while advocating for our bodies and the Earth.  

Dark Horse’s products are always made in small batches using ancient techniques of preservations, fermentation, drying, aging, and smoking.  All the products used to create the flavors are organic and of the highest regard free from GMO pesticides and factory farms. They use glass bottles to be recycled and hopefully repurposed within your own kitchen or home to store items. All of their packaging is recyclable outside of the times they up-cycle packaging sent to them from vendors to try and keep it out of the landfills. They’re working to be as sustainable as possible while reinventing the future of food condiments through these ancient techniques.


Imperfect Foods


Good Mylk Co.