Blue Evolution

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Blue Evolution is making waves in the food industry by reducing the dependence on freshwater for food production and growing their own seaweed to help nourish our bodies and the ocean. With roughly 98% of seaweed consumed in the US being imported, this company saw a space where we could not only locally grow what we need but do it in a way that replenishes our oceans and our bodies. Whether you need a popcorn snack or some umami flavoring for your next dish, Blue Evolution has what you need. This is sustainability at its finest. Nutrition from the ocean and for the ocean.

Seaweed regenerates the waters in which it grows, absorbing carbon from the ocean and alchemizing seawater and sunshine into healthy food. Not only does this shift our food toward renewables, it also de-acidifies the ocean. This process has the power to shift the climate equation as Blue Evolution explains on their website. Combined with being incredibly nutritious for our own bodies, this company is the real deal.   


La Fermiere
